===== Finalizing ===== * Steel boxes: before drilling a knock-out, braze or JB-weld it * Weld/braze or JB weld on the inside. Don't worry about this if you've got an aluminum box. * Tight pots and tight knobs last * Drill anti-rotation holes. * Twist the knobs hard, try to twist them off. * If the knob budges tighten it! * If the the pot budges when you turn it, then the anti-rotation holes are missing, or not being used right. * Replace the pot if the threads look bad (stripped is when the nut goes loose suddenly when you're tightening it) * LEDs that stay in their clip will shine for a long time... * Make sure they're wedged in the clip tightly, and the leads aren't in danger of sorting out to the box or the clip * Is it labelled or is it art...? * if it's not labelled, include a printed card with the drill layout of the pedal and words telling what's what. * www.commonsound.com on every pedal (no matter who made it), so they know where to find us years later * Don't write 4ms Pedals unless you work for 4ms! * Make sure to put the name of the model (Noise Swash, Tremulus Lune, etc..) * Secure the board! * Use the glue-on mounting posts * Make a place for the battery * If the pedal uses a battery, check the battery holder is screwed to the box with at least two screws, and put a battery in there to make sure one really will fit! * The underside needs feet * Try it * Tighten the cover plate screws and plug it in. * Turn each knob all the way up, all the way down and listen. * Playing it should make sense, and not be confusing. * Give it a shake or a thump and listen to it more. * Get familiar with the pedal's sound, especially for pedals with mods. * Make sure you like it! ** It's finished! **